1. Bolt (yeah, I'm an animation freak)
2. Really awesome and funny.
3. No clue what ya' just said.
4. (+) Simple, easy... All that jazz.
(-) Ummmm.....?
5. I agree with S3C
6. Half full.
7. Spam sites...
8. Harder-Better-Faster-Stronger
9. Utter crap.
10. Same as S3C, I thought of that too.
1. Batman-Dark Knight (yea, i need to get out more)
2. freakin great, probably my favorite mainstream superhero movie ever
3. to apathetic to take part in 4chan related controversies
4. Favorite aspects: Great Reviews and recognition and a place to build a fanbase. Great collections of games and music, LOADS of diversity in this place. Smooth, interesting layout, very organized, not too gaudy. The site is very personable, generally friendly, and sociable as a whole. The staff is polite and does shy away from its users. Great BBS format and the site is very stable.
Least Favorite aspects: I think the staff has its priorities set on a mass audience rather than the less numbered dedicated users in the site. For example, the staff embellished the options to change things around on our page, as well as a new review system before giving audio artists new tools, such as mods having the ability to remove songs, and unban people. I think theres a need for a better
quoting system on the BBS as well. it's a pain in the ass when you want to quote multiple posters in one message.
5. what are your favorite and least favorite aspects of DeviantArt?
Favorite: Very organized, easily searchable database, for a site that's rather large the users are still very friendly, there's great control you can have over security there and how communications are handled across all boards.
Least Favorite: the place is kinda "spammy". lots of undeeded notifications and whatnot.
6. do you say "this glass is half full" or "this glass is half empty"?
Depends entirely on the context.
7. what is the thing on the internet that disturbs you most?
Lack of privacy.
8. what is the last song you heard on the radio?
Something by Destiny's Child/Beyonce I believe
9. how good are you at Guitar Hero / Rock Band?
10. what question would you like to be included on #4 which has not been used previously?
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop
thank you for participating! ^_^