the concert started about 5 to 5 and a half hours ago, somewhere between 8:00 and 8:30 PM EST, and it ended around 10:30, the concert was at the "Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion" in Gilford, NH. which is about an hour and a half from my location, and it was AWESOME!!!!! he sang a wide variety of stuff, a couple of Medleys, Albuquerque, My My This Here Anakin Guy, Fat, All About the Pentiums, I'll Sue Ya, White and Nerdy, and a few others, of course, I don't remember the names of alot of these, and this wasn't the order he sang them in, but whatever, he also showed alot of clips from his old show, such as the time he interviewed the mindless woman who kept staring at the ceiling and that whole "weasel stomping" thing, as well as the cameo appearances he made in other shows, such as the Simpsons and Johnny Bravo, between songs, it was awesome, I loved it, I would have liked a pair of binoculars, and even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone